Genuine Exilis Elite Skin Tightening and Body Contouring in Bangkok

/Genuine Exilis Elite Skin Tightening and Body Contouring in Bangkok
Genuine Exilis Elite Skin Tightening and Body Contouring in Bangkok 2017-06-14T17:09:22+07:00

By now, You’ve likely heard about the revolutionary non-surgical fat freezing liposuction device known as CoolSculpting. But you may not be aware of our newest heat based fat reduction and skin tightening device known as “Exilis Elite“.

Exilis Demonstration Video

Exilis is the ONLY medical device in the world that uses a Ultrasound & focused monopolar RF “radio-frequency” with cooling system that allows for deeper penetration into your fat cells without the extra risk of burning your skin.

Airbrush Laser Liposculpture

This innovative new technology is quickly becoming one of the most popular aesthetic treatments because its 100% non-invasive and safe for all skin colors and types. Men and Women coming to Thailand for Exilis will see impressive improvement after just one single treatment session in Bangkok. Depending on the areas you want treated, we usually suggest a 2-4 point treatments plan to produce maximum results in as little as a few day cosmetic holiday to Thailand.


The plastic surgery Center of Thailand has found that  patients are often skeptical of the new modern non-invasive skin treatments. This is exactly why it’s important for us to take a minute to explain the science behind the revolutionary new treatment. It is important to note years of testing has already been done to allow Exilis to be an FDA-cleared (PDF Link ) treatment for reducing the appearance of wrinkles while improving skin laxity .

A vast majority of our Exilis patients have also report noticeable reduction in fat pockets in the arms,neck,chin and thighs. Although its not as powerful as Vaser or Bodytite RFAL, Exilis requires no surgery and no downtime to destroy the Fat deposits accumulate over time due mainly to metabolically inactive cells in your body. The heat produced by the Exilis device causes the targeted fat cells to break down (lipolysis) and disperse. The focused thermal energy also to boosts your bodys’ production of collagen. The benefit is instant adipose cell reduction and skin tightening for a healthier younger-look in as little as a few days.


 Exilis Review

Exilis-Elite-thailandGenuine Exilis Elite in Thailand uses a computer-controlled device that is carefully guided over the desired treatment areas. Patients at the center have reported feeling a warming sensation while the Energy beams are delivered to the deeper layers of skin. Our doctors ability to focus this Energy on a very specific areas at the very specific targeted depth makes Exilis the most effective non-surgical aesthetic solution on the market today.

Your skin is monitored throughout the treatment course and the device automatically engages the cooling system if the skin’s temperature fluctuates too high or too uncomfortable. The treatments main advantage comes from controlled heating that is used to redefine loose skin and smooth out any wrinkles. The Exilis skin tightening device causes the collagen supporting tissue to rebuild naturally, thereby stimulating and strengthening the collagen network from the inside to improve your skin laxity and overall texture.

Exilis Body Contouring

There is virtually ZERO downtime with our Exilis body contouring treatment, and we recommended that you maintain but not increase any physical activity following each session in Bangkok. Exercise and frequent hydration after Exilis helps ensure that your metabolic exchange remains high even after treatment thus speeding up natures ability to reduce fat volume and skin laxity.

Ideal candidates for Exilis in Thailand

Exilis Elite in Thailand is recommended for men or women between the ages of 25 to 70+ who desire immediate cosmetic improvement