Affordable Bodytite Liposuction in Bangkok Thailand|Reviews and Prices

/Affordable Bodytite Liposuction in Bangkok Thailand|Reviews and Prices
Affordable Bodytite Liposuction in Bangkok Thailand|Reviews and Prices 2017-06-14T17:09:23+07:00

Another revolutionary body reshaping treatment, BodyTite sums up its purpose with its name. It doesn’t stop at just removing fat; it goes beyond and aims to tighten up loose skin. This utilizes RFAL or “radiofrequency-assisted lipo-tightening.” This new technology is what makes RFAL distinct from other minimally invasive liposuction technologies such as SmartLipo, Vaser Liposculpting and Vaser HiDef, Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction or Coolsculpting. Bodytite,SkinTite and NeckTite actually dissolves fat prior to suctioning and shrinks skin simultaneously.

Bodysculpting by Bodytite Procedure Overview

BodyTite uses locally-administered anesthesia. This addresses the issue of patients who worry about being put under a generalized state of sedation usually employed in liposuction.

Bodytite RFAL Demonstration Video in Bangkok


A small 3mm to 5mm incisions will be made for the RFAL instrument to pass through. A high-frequency current generates heat, which facilitates fat cell destruction. No need to worry about the heat because the area being treated will be numb and the device is pre-designed to test skin temperatures automatically and turn off once it reaches the ideal fat-burning temperature.

In actuality, heat plays a very positive role in the reduction of any surgery or trauma, as it promotes coagulation of the blood. This “sealing” effect reduces chances of any excess bruising, bleeding, and fat embolism.

Ideal Areas for RFAL Liposuction

BodyTite may be performed on most fat-prone areas such as:

  • Upper and Lower Abdomen
  • Upper Arms
  • Inner and Outer Thighs
  • Ankles
  • Back
  • Calves
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Face
  • Arms

Depending upon your area the areas of choice,Minimally invasive BodyTite can be simultaneously performed on up to three areas at a time. The treatment generally does not require overnight stay at a hospital but will require 6-7 nights in Bangkok to allow for proper followups and after care. Other cosmetic surgeries such as facelift,necklifts,nose surgery and breast augmentation are also often combined for a full body and mommy makeover in Thailand.


BodyTite is ideal for smaller areas but our Invasix Bodytite certified doctors in Bangkok can remove as much as 3 liters of fat per session. This is typically all that most people need. The procedure overall takes anywhere from one to three hours depending on the areas being treated.

BodyTite Vs Vaser or SMARTLipo

BodyTite has substantial advantages over other types of modern liposuction. Aside from the utilization of Local Anesthesia instead of General anesthesia, here are some other reasons why BodyTite outperforms other types of  liposuction in Thailand: