Liposuction Center of Bangkok |Liposelection Liposculpting Pics Prices

/Liposuction Center of Bangkok |Liposelection Liposculpting Pics Prices
Liposuction Center of Bangkok |Liposelection Liposculpting Pics Prices 2017-06-14T17:09:28+07:00

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Thailand for weight and fatloss in the world today. People from all over are flocking to Bangkok  to instantly do away with stubborn fat deposits in the stomach,back,hips,face, flanks and legs that appear to be seemingly immune any amount of dieting or exercise. Thailand is the leading destination for medical tourists for several reasons such as high quality of service,the latest equipment and most importantly affordability. Hospitals and high end private clinics in Bangkok and Phuket offer virtually every major types of liposuction treatment that exists on the market today.

Some popular lipo techniques in Bangkok and Phuket include minimally invasive liposuction such as Tumescent lipo,BodyTite RFAL Lipo, Smart Laser Lipo, LipoSelection through Vaser Lipo and Vaser HiDef,Accusculpt, Ultrasonic UAL lipo,Power Assisted Liposuction “PAL”,Water Jet Assisted Liposuction “WAL”, Lipotite,Lipokit for Stem Cell Breast Enlargements,PROLipo along with the NEW non-surgical liposuction treatment called CoolSculpting Lipo by Zeltiq “Freeze Lipo” and Exilis Elite.


Best Liposuction Doctors in Bangkok and Phuket

Cosmetic Surgery Center of Thailand understands the different types of lipo deliver different types of results and can help you make a well informed Choice all for an affordable price from the best liposuction doctors in Thailand.

We Know Thailand!

Not all Liposuction techniques are equal. Some of the techniques we mentioned are no longer used as they have been updated to newer technologies that deliver much better results with much less downtime and for less money. The Top 4 commonly used Liposuction techniques in Thailand today are:

  • Laser Liposis  – SMART Lipo in Bangkok – Fat Reduction
  • NEW Bodytite RFAL Laser LiposuctionFat reduction + Skin Tightening in one
  • Lipo Selection and Liposculpting-VASER & VASER HiDef Lipo -Fat Reduction and Body Sculpting
  • Freeze Lipo “CryoLipolysis” by Zeltiq COOLsculpting– Non-Surgical! With No Down Time!

LipoSelection and Liposculpting With VASER and VASER Hi Def

LipoSelection is also known as Liposculpting. Vaser and Vaser HiDef are one of the most popular types of liposuction in the world today. Vaser Lipo in Bangkok utilizes a revolutionary new technology called Ultrasonic Liposuction Technology or “UAL” to quickly remove large or small deposits of fatty tissues and cells. VASER LipoSelection and Vaser HiDef  are considered minimally invasive and deliver the Thai Lipo Specialists a much greater level of precision with safety when compared to traditional liposuction techniques as as WAL or Tumescent lipo. Vaser works seamlessly by only destroying fat deposits while leaving all the surrounding tissue,blood vessels and nerves unharmed.

VASER Liposuction Video Overview


Ultrasonic sound beams are focused into the problem areas to gently emulsify the fat (break down) before the emulsified fat is carefully sucked out usually using tiny micro-cannulae suction tubes. Vaser HiDef offers the same technique as Vaser but with a much smaller “carving” cannulae that allows the doctor to define areas much better than just Vaser alone. Vaser HiDef is done in conjunction with Vaser and the added time needed helps define areas such as the “Instant 6-Pack” or 2 pack or women.

VASER HiDef in Bangkok | Before and After



VASER and Vaser High Def  require properly trained and certified plastic surgeons in Thailand the ability sculpt areas in your body allowing bringing much greater definition to areas like the chin, abs, legs, back, and for the brazilian butt lift. Vaser can be done as an inpatient or outpatient procedure (depending on amount of areas being treated) and generally require only 4-7 nights in Bangkok.

SMART Laser Liposuction

Smart Lipo is also known as Laser Liposis or SMART Liposis. Laser Lipo technology makes use of gentle lasers that are inserted below the skin and targeted directly onto fat pockets. Attached to the microcannula wands are tiny laser fibers that help “melts” stubborn fat cells down. The destroyed “melted” fat can then be effortlessly sucked out. Smart Lipo is considered minimally invasive liposuction and needs much less down time than traditional liposuction devices in the past resulting in much less bruising and bleeding. Smart Lipo is currently only available in Bangkok and requires local for small areas or general anesthesia for larger areas such as the abdomens. Smart Lipo has been updated recently to the more powerful and less invasive .

SMART Lipo Before and After Pics



BodyTite RFAL Lipo Bangkok

BodyTite Lipo in Bangkok Thailand is an revolutionary new body re-shaping procedure that was designed to instantly reduce the stubborn fat areas while simultaneously firming and re-contouring your body.BodyTite Lipo works by utilizing Radio Frequency Assisted Lipo RFAL to provide a safer and more effective fat reductions and skin tightening..

Body Tite Liposuction Before After Video

BodyTite lipo uses bipolar radio frequency energy to precisely and quickly control the direction and intensity of energy waves for much less trauma to surrounding tissue and much more even heating of the dermis and the sub-cutaneous dermal layer which make it a much more superior form of liposuction when compared to Smart Laser Lipo

Coolsculpting Liposuction By Zeltiq

Cryoliposis or the “Freeze Lipo” is better known as CoolSculpting lipo. Coolsculpting uses a patented delivery system by Zeltiq Aesthetics called Cryolipolysis which basically means “freeze fat.” The innovative new technique allows doctors in Thailand to destroy Fat cells below the skin without penetrating the skin through a controlled freezing applicator.

Freeze Lipo in Bangkok

CoolSculpting was designed to be completely non-invasive and only target fat cells without harming the skin or any other vital tissues.  The popular “lunchtime lipo” is virtually painless requires only 1 hour per point/area. The fat broken down using coolsculpting and then passed naturally through your body over 1-3 months as waste. There really is absolute no down time with this procedure thus making it popular with men and women visiting Bangkok for only a few days. This treatment is currently ONLY available in Bangkok.

Which Liposuction is Right For Me?

Each method of liposuction offered above can eliminate the fat but choosing what treatment is right for you will really depend on a few factors such as:

  • Personal preferences towards Surgery (Minimally Invasive Surgery vs. Non Surgical)
  • Any Limitations or Existing Medical Conditions
  • Your Budget (Liposuction in Bangkok and Phuket are usually 30-60% cheaper than anywhere else)
  • Any Special Needs or Custom Treatment Outcomes (Instant 6 packs)

Doctor Reviews

Cosmetic Surgery Center of Thailand offers something for everyone. We can prepare all the necessary information about your treatments in detail to help you select the BEST Liposuction doctor in Bangkok or Phuket who is successfully performed 1000’s of liposuction in the past just like yours.

Liposuction Prices Bangkok

Prices for lipo will depend on the areas and technique you choose, but generally the cost ranges from as low as $750 per area depending on what type of liposuction you prefer and what areas you would like treated. There are usually significant discounts for multiple areas and treatments. To get actual prices and qualify for multi-area discounts, our doctors will need understand your needs via a short medical condition form and review a few pictures of the areas being treated. Once we have your requests reviewed (24-72 hours) we can provide you will exact prices and specific options such as hotels,flights,airport transportation,visas etc. All our clients receive priority pricing,appointments scheduling, and hotel discounts. Our “No-Hassle” All-Inclusive packages include everything from the minute you land in Bangkok or Phuket to the minute you leave back home. We also offer followup consultations and for 1 year post-surgery.

Your Liposuction holiday to Bangkok or Phuket will generally require 4-10 nights stay for all minimally invasive liposuction such as Vaser,BodyTite and SMART Lipo. Non-Surgical Treatments and Liposuction such as Thermage CPT and Coolsculpting only require 1-3 nights total.

To learn more about our all-inclusive liposuction vacation or for more details about a specific liposuction in Bangkok or Phuket please contact us today.

“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with a Single Step”


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