Stem Cell Breast and CAL Fat Grafting

/Stem Cell Breast and CAL Fat Grafting
Stem Cell Breast and CAL Fat Grafting 2017-06-14T17:09:23+07:00
  • Step 3 – Cell Expansion and Re-Injection. Once your harvested fat cells have been carefully separated, refined and Expanded in our exclusive closed-system stem cell lab, they are re-implanted into the breasts in a specific pattern to allow the stem cells to create the structure needed for the fat to remain thus creating the volume and increase in size. The results are permanent however please note that any fluctuations in body mass will affect your entire body including your new breasts. Nursing will also effect the shape and size of your breasts, with or without CAL. The fat is 100% natural and 100% yours and you will have no restrictions breast feeding as the milk ducts inside the breasts are not damaged in any way.


Results of CAL and MINI-CAL in Bangkok

The result of this procedure are nothing short of amazing. 100% natural-looking firm breasts that will definitely look and feel great along with the added bonus of a giant boost of self confidence that comes with a non-artificial breast enhancement.Cell Assisted Lipotransfer or CAL Breast is only available in Bangkok. We do not offer CAL Breast or any other Cell based therapy currently in Phuket.


Women with flabby breasts who were thinking about breast lifts are also great candidates for younger natural looking breasts with CAL and Mini-CAL Breast augmentation. CAL is a much wiser choice compared to silicone breast augmentation because the results are long term, more natural-looking and requires less maintenance.

PLEASE NOTE. Stem Cell based Treatments for Facelifts and Breast Augmentations Require Fat From Only Abdomen or Thigh Area. Women with low BMI/Body Fat May Not Qualify for Treatment. If you are unsure and would like Pre-Approved status, please contact us BEFORE you arrive to Thailand

If you’ve always wanted to achieve a sexier body, then Cell Enriched breast augmentation can be the answer to your dreams. A lot of doctors are now starting to offer this procedure but please do your research as many of these treatments are simply fat lipo-transfers labeled as CAL Stem Cell Breast Enhancement.

Risk of Treatment

All medical treatments carry risk. However, CAL and Mini-CAL are one of the safest most non-invasive procedures on the market today. Our team of stem cell doctors in Bangkok are internationally trained to deal specifically with stem cells and assisted lipotransfers. Since 2011, we have helped more women get  all natural results than any provider in Asia.


Prices for CAL and Mini-CAL

To get Pre-Approved for CAL Treatment our doctors will need to understand your needs via a virtual consultation. This stage is required as nearly 30% of all women don’t qualify for CAL or Mini-CAL. For approval, our doctors will need your basic medical history (allergies,other surgeries etc) along with pictures specifically of your abdominal area and thighs (where we acquire stem cells and fat from) along with your chest.


Prices for Genuine CAL Assisted enlargement in Thailand is nearly 50% less then the same Genuine CAL breast in Europe that costs over $16,000 Dollars. We also offer complete all-inclusive Holiday Packages that includes all transportation and 7 nights hotel in a executive style recovery room. We also offer complete mommy makeover packages and Pre-Wedding Makeovers that include other treatments like:Thermage CPT, nose correction surgery,tummy tucks, eyelids,neck lift, SMART Lipo, or vaser lipo combined with CAL or MINI-CAL. To learn more about our exciting new method to enhance your bust permanently and 100% naturally please contact us today.

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